An overview of industrial modeling concepts and definitions


With the progress and expansion of science in various fields, the only limitation that an industrial designer faces should be his imagination, not software. If industrial design tools for industrial modeling were not available to designers, we would definitely not be faced with so many advances in this field.
Industrial modeling software covers a wide range of applications, from rapid ideation and presentation, to visualization, developing interactive projects and playing with your ideas to guide you from design to construction. These software vary in price from free to thousands of dollars, so you can find industrial design tools within your budget.
Therefore, you should look for the most appropriate industrial modeling software and make your industrial design process a little more efficient and much more possible. Please note, in the following we will mention the top industrial modeling tools here and in no particular order so that you can get to know them better.

3D industrial rendering As you know, 3D design and industrial modeling is a difficult task, but one of the most effective ways to achieve those goals is to computerize the design process using industrial design services. Today there are hundreds of (computer-aided design) software. Some of them are simple or intended for personal use, while others are produced and provided as software packages full of multiple programs in one package to help design companies.

Drawings are the main tool by which engineers present their ideas to clients, craftsmen or in the design team for further communication. A method that has existed since ancient times and has evolved over time and is still evolving daily.

Industrial modeling software is designed and built according to needs; And choosing the best software for you depends on factors such as cost, compatibility with other programs, and the amount of time you are willing to spend designing your product. Although you can find the most suitable design software, but it is better to check their features before choosing the software, here is a list of industrial modeling software to increase the workflow and help you prepare better with them. Get to know:

Autodesk AutoCAD
Autodesk Inventor
CNC Software
AutoCAD Civil 3D


The most important software for industrial modeling and industrial animation


Industrial animation

As it was said, for modeling and industrial animation, the designers of this field use different software so that the desired model can be produced with higher resolution. It should be said that special industrial modeling softwares perform an important part of the design and modeling work.

Industrial design companies usually use several powerful software and some additional software (plugins) to create professional models; And to get the rendering of huge projects, they also use the network technique between several computer systems so that the rendering time does not take long.
Now, in this part of the article, we will review some software for industrial modeling:

1- Autodesk AutoCAD
When it comes to industrial modeling software, AutoCAD is probably the most popular. This software is compatible with Windows, Mac, iOS and Android for more than 35 years. It is one of the few modeling programs that works well on Mac computers.

AutoCAD is widely used by professionals and beginners not only because of its tested functionality in the world of product design, but also because of its intuitive user interface. Many high schools and colleges use AutoCAD to introduce students to 3D design, making it a common choice among young professionals.
2- SolidWork
SolidWorks is the most widely used industrial modeling solution, mostly due to its powerful rendering capabilities, user-friendly interface, and relatively affordable cost. Many users of this software work in engineering and design industries, but it is less prevalent among architectural professionals. Many academic institutions also use SolidWorks as a tool for learning 3D design.
Ketia software is known as a professional and functional industrial modeling program – written in C++ programming language, it actually has more powerful rendering functions than SolidWorks.
The tools available in Ketia are intended for advanced engineering – aerospace, electrical components, engine components and power generation systems. It is a sophisticated software made for expert users. The user interface is not the most robust, but it provides users with many commands to fully control the models.


3D industrial rendering, application software to get 360 degree rendering and 3D rendering

A 360-degree rendering is a visual simulation of an altered, or replaced, environment that surrounds the user, allowing them to look around them exactly as they would in real life. have access This tool is most used in industrial modeling.
3D rendering, like 360 degree rendering, is widely used in industrial modeling. To create such images, we need some rendering software. In the world, there are many softwares for this work, which we will mention some of them below.
For example, software such as Maya and 3D max have the ability to design and model the environment.

Ati should prepare a 360-degree rendering. This possibility happens in modeling software through plugins, and by making settings in the software environment, you can easily prepare a 360-degree rendering.